Edwards HV depostioning system

Responsible: Anders Liljeborg
Updated 2015-10-28
Revised 2018-01-03

Warning! Always let crucible cool completely before venting.

This is what happens if you do not.

User manual, for experienced users

Service mode operation, for highly experienced users only!

Settings for new PLC-upgrade, 20110909




Left knob for thermal evaporation, current meter at the center.


Top left: "Start" button for rotation of sample holder.
Right: Thickness monitor.


Left: Sweep control.
Right: controller for e-beam power supply.


Left, top: On/Off button, bottom: Reset button.
Right: System controller with touch sensitive screen.


Front panel of EB3 E-beam power supply.

Anders Liljeborg Nanostructure Physics, KTH.