How to discard a product from a storage, KLARA (different from delete)

Anders Liljeborg, updated 2021-10-07


Please note that discard is different from delete. Products that have been registered during an inventory cannot be deleted by an inventorer, only by a KLARA administrator.

To indicate that a product previously registered during inventory is now removed from storage, please use the function discard.

If you want to discard a product from your lab in KLARA, you have to go through several steps.

Click on a lab-room in the left column. Or click on a cabinet or shelf in a lab-room.

Select the tab Discard products.



You get a list of all products in the selected location. The list can be quite long, especially if you selected a whole lab room in the previous step.
  1. If the list is very long and requires a lot of scrolling to find a product, use the text search function in your browser to find the product you want to discard. This function in depending on which browser you use.

  2. At the found product, click the tick box to mark it for discarding.

    Several products can be marked.

  3. When you have selected all products to discard, click the Next button at the bottom of the window.



You get an info window with a list of the products to be discarded.

Click on Discard to confirm.



You get an extra confirmation box for safety.

Click on OK to really discard the products.



You get a confirmation window.

Click on OK, and you will be returned to the screen shown first in this web page, if you want to continue discarding products.

Anders Liljeborg Albanova Nanolab, KTH, SU.