How to transfer a product from a storage to another, within the same department, KLARA

Anders Liljeborg, updated 2021-03-22


To move a product from one storage location to another, within the department or group in KLARA, you have to go through several steps.

In the left column: select the lab or the cabinet or shelf you want to transfer a product FROM.

Click on the tab "Transfer products" and you will get the screen shown below. The products in the selected lab/cabinet/shelf are shown, and you can select which ones you want to transfer.
Click "Next' to continue.

Please note that these screen shots are taken from an administrative account. There is also a menu entry "Move products" on the line above, this allows an administrator to move products bewtween any group or department. This function is not available for the usual inventory.


Next screen gives the choice of where TO move the product(s).


The selected destination is marked in blue.


Final screen shows FROM and TO and the selected products.

Click on "Transfer" to complete.


You get an acknowledgment screen. Click "OK".


You get back to the "Transfer products" tab. Click on "Products" tab to get back to the list of products.


To verify the transfer you can click on the product in the list, to show the details of the product. As you can see the new location of the product is shown.

Anders Liljeborg Albanova Nanolab, KTH, SU.