Application course, teacher Dr. Chengge Jiao, FEI

2009-03-24 — 2009-03-26, lecture notes

FIB and dual beam, theory and applications PDF, restricted access.
Nova SEM construction PDF, restricted access.
Dual Beam application training PDF, restricted access.

Dual beam functionality and cross section

Eucentric height — the height of the sample where it stays fixed in image during tilt of stage.
Co-incident point — the point where the e--beam and ion-beam crosses.
SEM-imaging is optimal at 5 kV ! Different from our experience where we mostly use 10 - 15 kV with good result.
Ion beam acceleration voltage can be varied between 30 down to 5 kV.
Electrons have an interaction volume diameter of 6 µm into aluminum.
Ions (Ga+) have an interaction volume diameter of 50 nm into aluminum.
Gas Injector System (GIS) used for depositioning, Pt in our system. But it can also be used to increase the etch rate, XeF2, I2, H2O,...
Working Distance (WD) — distance from end of column to focus point. Ebeam has a nominal WD of 5 mm, eucentric distance should be 4.99 - 5.02 mm for FEI system. Ion beam has a nominal WD of 16 or 18 mm depending on model of column (Magnum ion column?). If adjusted properly F sets nominal WD and sample should be in focus. You should be able to switch current and stay in focus.
(Figure crossection, protective Pt-dep., staircase, bulkmill)
Bulkmill: 7 nA, Crossection 1 nA.
Deposition current I = X times Y times 6 pA per square µm
This can be used to decide what current to use for deposition. Electron depositioning, 15 µs per point (dwell time) typical value?

Why deposit Pt before crossection (CS):

(Figure redepositioning, curtaining, gaussian beam profile)
Curtain effect is from geometry, variations in material hardness. Pt depo. fills out these variations, makes milling effect uniform. Also inner cavities can cause this effect.
(Figure, round objects, stronger milling between)
Image CS with ion beam, small current. If sample is a mix of isolating and conducting grains, ion-beam image gives more info., cracks and corrosion show up better.
Two CS to make a corner must be made in parallell mode. Cleaning CS cannot be used, cannot be made in parallell mode. Instead make manual rectangles in parallell.

Curtaining effect, solutions:

Image with ion beam before SEM imaging of a CS can enhance SEM image.
Dig holes (mill spots) at back of CS to ground a floating (isolated) part.

SPI, Simultaneous Patterning and Imaging.
iSPI, intermittent SPI.
SPI mode: iSEM >> iFIB, fast SEM scanning.
Multiscan CS faster by three times than stair step pattern (regular CS). "Cleaning line three times".
ASV + 3D reconstruction.

Application demo at system

Things to check before imaging Ion beam default WD is 19.5 mm, set by <ctrl>F.
Electron beam and ion beam does not point at same spot within 5 µm, now it is 15 µm. Will be adjusted later.
Important: Decouple magnification, magnification of electron beam and ion beam are independent.
Ebeam deposition of platinum first:
--- Service alignment: rotation between e-beam and ion-beam.
30 pA ion beam and 1.6 nA ebeam SPI works well (SEM imaging while milling).
Regular CS —> Advanced —> Scan Method = Multiscan, 3 passes
This is about three times faster than normal mode Regular CS.
Shift + left mouse button —> beam shift.
Tilt 53°. Decrease ion-current to 0.1 nA. Shift away to do focus, shift "back" (right click on shift control).
<ctrl>B - beam on/off.
Arndts pillars: drill holes to ground area near intresting sample area.
Ebeam Pt. depo. 5 minutes. Ion beam 0.1 nA, 30 kV, Multiscan CS, then 50 pA.

Lecture 2009-03-25
FEI FEG SEM. Three parts: Source, Column, Detector.
Source: Thermoassisted field emission source, Schottky effect: lower workfunction for escaping electrons using ZrO, 4.5 -> 2.8 eV. Two Ion Getter Pumps (IGP) upper (2) vac < 2x10-9 mBar, lower (1) vac < 2x10-7 mBar.
Spot 1 - lowest current - smallest aperture
Spot 7 - highest current - largest aperture
Gun drift - source tilt/shift, changes during lifetime of source.
Mode I - search mode - HR (High Res) mode.
Mode II - UHR (immersion mode) 5-10 um image shift if well adjusted.
Light material (low Z) has deep penetration of electrons, better with low current.
Free WD = 5 mm = FWD in HR mode
Optical WD = 31 mm = OWD.
OWD = 3 mm in UHR mode.
EDX mode can be used to image magnetic material, only TLD detector used!
15 kV, WD = 5 mm, spotsize 0.5 nm
5 kV, WD = 3 mm, smallest, might give better image for mode II. For mode I a decrease of WD does not give better resolution.
Good backscatter electron collection -> should use small WD.
(Figure electrons collected by TLD and ETD)
Ebeam deposition gives more carbon into deposited Pt.
Ebeam depositioning:
Papers, publications about this: Zarazago university, dept. of Electronic Engineering. Technical University of Eindhoven.


User should do adjustment
  1. No image
  2. Before final image in mode II

Supervisor alignment

Mechanical aperture adjustment.
81. Crossover hole point calibration
10. Source tilt/shift (kV dependant)
44. UHR lens alignment
42. UHR stigmation alignment
43. UHR image shift correction
45. HR image shift correction

44, 42, 43 and 45 all WD dependent.

17. Stage Rotation Center.

Non-conducting samples, isolators: "Dust with Pt":

More added on work computer

Ion alignment

Alignment 110
Alignment 210
(Figure: keep sample at top of holder when tilted, minimize risk of running into column)
Adjustment 254 GIS
Adjustment 253

Ion beam pattern parameters

Mill holes in circle, long dwell time, long step size (50 nm?) gives separate holes instead of a filled circle pattern for milling.
InA ion milling, 1.6 nA SEM image plus averaging gives very nice image quality during milling.

Square grating, pitch 1 um in X, 25 nm in Y, then overlay with pitch X = 25 nm, pitch Y = 1 um, this makes a matrix of squares.

Isolating sample

Taras G. sample, with copper tape on top. (Figure)
To reduce charging in general:
This is the end of my lecture notes as taken down during the lectures and demos. Some of this is very terse and can only be understood when doing the respective adjustment.

Anders Liljeborg Nanostructure Physics, KTH.