Restart after power fail 2013-09-04

During a power fail all pumping stops, but the chamber is not vented, it is holding vacuum.

After a power fail the system needs to be started with the front panel button, on the top front of main pedestal.

The insturment computer may have to be started on the computer front panel, the computer is located at the back, right side, of the lower electronics cabinet, you have to reach over the table and into the cabinet from the right side. It is a bit difficult to reach.

Log in to Windows as "supervisor", start the control software, same login. The chamber starts to vent when software is started, this is normal.

Start the Ion Getter Pumps (IGP:s) for the e-column (two of these) and ion column (one). In the alignment procedures there is "Start IGP:s" or something similar. For the e-column the IGP:s can also be started form procedure 5, "Emitter Startup".

Start pumping of the main chamber as soon as possible, i.e. when the "Pump" button is active.

Wait until the vacuum readings for the e-column IGP:s are something like this:

  FEG IGP: 2×10-9 mBar
  Ecolumn IGP: 4×10-7 mBar
The Ecolumn IGP must be below the indicated value, otherwise it is not possible to start the E-column. This usually takes about 24 hours, depending on how long the power fail has been.

Start the FEG source using procedure 5 "Emitter Startup", got to next after the IGP is started, click on "Emitter ON".

The above procedure works for a power fail of about 1 - 2 hours, for longer power fails, the IGP:s may not start because the vacuum is too bad. The IGP:s may have to be restarted several times during a couple of days, for details contact a FEI service engineer.

Sometimes the communication between computer and all the units, especially the HV-supply, is not working. On the HV-supply at the bottom in the high electronics cabinet, there is a 24V supply connector that can be disconnected to "reset" the comm. of the HV-supply. The connector is located in a separate box on top of the big HV-supply steel box, at the front left corner, when seen from the back of the cabinet.
It is a Molex with "hooks" to secure it, press on the sides to release it. Put it back after about 5 secs. for reset.

To check the status of the system in detail, log on as "customerservice", start the server, on the left side can be popped out an extra part with many test routines.
Start Check FEG, in the new window there shoudl be a temperature reading, about 34-35 °C, if not there is a comm. failure to the HV-supply. Then the 24V-reset is necessary.

Notes scribbled during installation teaching.

All samples must be mounted on stubs.
Carbon tape is good for fastening samples on stubs, source for buying carbon tape, AGAR, Link Nordic.
Sample holder MUST NOT be magnetic. Aluminium, titanium is fine. Absolutely not iron, rather not brass.
"System wakeup" turns on both e-beam and ion-beam columns.
The ion-column should be on for long periods of time, i.e. days. Do not turn it off during lunch break
Shut off E-beam accelerator voltage when ending session.
ETD detector is the Everhart-Thornley detector, good for long WD.
TLD detector corresponds to in-lens detector, does not work well for low magnifications, requires "Immersion mode" with high magnetic field at sample.
The ETD detector does not work at all in "Immersion mode".

Anders Liljeborg Nanostructure Physics, KTH.