Ultra-sonic cleaner bath with variable power

Responsible: Anders Liljeborg

The stainless steel basket have handles that can be put
in various position to accommodate different depths in the bath
Please keep the water level at 7/8 of full bath at all times.
See recommendation sticker at top left corner of the unit.


Basket at highest position, handles folded in over the edge of the bath.
Please note power on/off switch at lower right side, can be seen edge-on.


Basket at medium height, handles resting on black carrying handles of the bath.


Basket at lowest (deepest) position.


Control panel.
Top row of buttons are for activation of each function:
Sonic, Heater, Degas
For Sonic the time in minutes is indicated under the button,
for Heater the temperature in °C
and last the power in steps of 10% (10% - 100%).
To set each parameter use Select to get one of the parameters to flash,
increment or decrement with + (up-arrow) or - (down-arrow).


One of the functions is activated by pushing the respective button in the top row,
a red indicator is lit in the button.


Two top lids are available which accommodate two beakers each of different size.
The lids are in the rack for drying glassware,
the beakers with holding rubber rings are also there or in the cabinet for glassware.

Anders Liljeborg Nanostructure Physics, KTH.