Raith Voyager EBL System

including "traxx" (FBMS) and "periodixx" (MBMS)

Repsonsible: Adrian Iovan, Erik Holmgren, Anders Liljeborg

Offline software for the Voyager possible to install now.

Preliminary instructional videos from visit at Raith, 2018-03-20 - 21

VOYAGER System Manual

Software Reference Manual

Software Operation Manual

Raith ASCII format for design

Voyager acceptance tests at Raith factory (Dortmund)

Qualification report at Albanova

Beamer Leaflet     Beamer Software Info

Some projects and publications using Albanova E-beam lithography

Check list for workflow

Currents for column Modes     Beam size vs. beam current

How to use several column modes (currents) in one exposure

Create custom wafermap for orientation

Use 3P adjustment to compensate for tilt

Some info useful for service issues

How to restart the Voyager software and computers

Reset load errors

Notes and videos from Raith advanced training session

KTH logo bitmap converted to csf (GDSII), size 15×20 µm

Import bitmap into Raith Nanosuite software

Four inch wafer sample holder

Overview of calibration chip CaliS01 (in German)

Anders Liljeborg
Albanova Nanofabrication Lab