Albanova Nanolab FEI Nova 200

Responsible: Taras Golod
FEI Nova 200 is a dual beam system for 3D imaging in nanomaterials science. The SEM part was possible to purchase with a grant from Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Foundation, while the FIB part was funded by other means.

EDX detector for element analysis

Short user manual    Short user manual for GUI    Measurement and annotation     Logging in, Starting GUI

If GUI stops working, computer "hangs"    Micro manipulators (Kleindiek)

How to manufacture STM-tips / tips for micro manipulators

Booking in LIMS

Application "Nanopillars"

Manufacturers man.*     Pt deposition, tech. note*

FIB technology, capabilities and applications (PDF)     FIB technology, cap. and appl. pt.2 (PDF)

"Auto Slice and View" manual (PDF)*    Some try-outs with ASV    Cabling in chamber, pinout

Notes from application course given by Dr. Chengge Jiao, FEI

Pt-deposition on AFM-tip


Ion column alignment (210), FEI document (pdf)*

Alignment of ion column, ONLY FOR SERVICE! Screen-shots.

Alignment of E-gun (FEG source)

Alignment of Cross Over Point (green cross)

Service comments, installation notes     Registry backup*    

Rough (scroll) pump instr. manual     Service of stage, encoder wheel X-axis

Replacement of ion source and BAA, ONLY FOR SERVICE!     Maintenance Manual

Some presentations for FEI Quanta 3D FEG*, some info is relevant for FEI Nova 200.

Some of the first images and FIB work    Some pictures from the installation

* = restricted access.

Anders Liljeborg Nanostructure Physics, KTH.